
Bardan Cottage offers placements from Monday to Friday, however, if there is the demand, we are willing to open 7 days a week.

We offer a flexible structure whereby some of our guests choose to join us for maybe one day a week while others prefer to come every day.

Whichever day our clients choose to come they can be sure to have had a really great time socialising, interacting and being cared for in our home-from-home environment.


We are registered with the RQIA to provide 20 residential category day care clients per location.

Full Day: Please contact us using the form below for current rates
Shower: Please contact us using the form below for current rates

12 + 9 =

For this cost our guests receive a level of elderly day care which is second to none. Our rates include our restaurant quality home cooked meals, wine with dinner if our guests desire, snacks throughout the day, transport to and from home if required and all of the activities for the elderly that are available in our centre.

The Person Centred Approach to Day Care

Bardan Cottage is there to serve its clients in the best, and most appropriate way possible. Therefore, it will morph to its clients, their relatives, Care Managers and Social Workers, needs. If certain activities are not being favoured, then they will be decreased and more appropriate, enjoyed, activities increased. If we find it is best for all our clients to come in at 10.00am and leave at 6.00pm, then we will rearrange our day accordingly. We realize that it is only through constant consultation with clients, their relatives and care Professionals that we can truly make Bardan Cottage the best it can be, and positively promote a person centred care philosophy.

48 hour notice must be given if clients are unable to attend for refund.

The fee quoted covers all meals and refreshments, entertainment and activities. Fees do not cover special day trips or activities that may be arranged throughout the year (written notice of extra costs will be given and clients will be able to choose to avail of these special arrangements), showers, escorts to outside services, telephone calls, transport or specialist equipment. Fees are generally reviewed annually. However, changing legislation can have a considerable impact on costs which must invariably be reflected in fees. In such instances there may need for an interim review.